
Extended list of King’s obituaries

Our condolences to all those who have lost loved ones. All obituaries featured in InTouch Online are based on notifications and full obituaries received by the Alumni Office. If you would like to notify us of a death, or submit an obituary, please contact:


Dr Martin Eric Anthoney AKC (Chemistry, 1968) 

Dr Michael Camm Bennett (Chemistry, 1951) 

Dr John Bienenstock (MBBS, 1957) 

Rosemary Cannon (QEC, Management Studies, 1960) 

Professor Ernest Michael Freeman BSc PhD FIET FREng FRSA (Electrical Engineering, 1958) 

Gloria Holmes (née Duxberry) (Household Science, 1959) 

Dr Charles Robert Martin-Bates (MBBS, 1975) 

David Andrew Richardson (Chemistry, 1964) 

Dr Kayvan Walker (MBBS, 2014) 


Dr Nicola Bonini, Reader in Physics

Ken Eley, Medical School safety officer (1966–2004) 

Professor Sir John Elliot FBA, Head of Department of History (1968–73) 

Lorraine Gauld, King’s Food hospitality staff

Professor Sir Laurence Woodward Martin, Head of Department of War Studies (1968–78) 

Patricia Pank, teacher and researcher (1998–2003) 

Emeritus Professor Dianne Rekow, Executive Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences (2012–16)